* Liu S, Zhou L, Yuan H, Vieira M, Sanz-Clemente A, Badger JD 2nd, Lu W, Traynelis SF, Roche KW.A Rare Variant Identified Within the GluN2B C-Terminus in a Patient with Autism Affects NMDA Receptor Surface Expression and Spine Density. J Neurosci. 2017 Apr 12;37(15):4093-4102.
* Platzer K, Yuan H, Schütz H, Winschel A, Chen W, Hu C, Kusumoto H, Heyne HO, Helbig KL, Tang S, Willing MC, Tinkle BT, Adams DJ, Depienne C, Keren B, Mignot C, Frengen E, Strømme P, Biskup S, Döcker D, Strom TM, Mefford HC, Myers CT, Muir AM, LaCroix A, Sadleir L, Scheffer IE, Brilstra E, van Haelst MM, van der Smagt JJ, Bok LA, Møller RS, Jensen UB, Millichap JJ, Berg AT, Goldberg EM, De Bie I, Fox S, Major P, Jones JR, Zackai EH, Abou Jamra R, Rolfs A, Leventer RJ, Lawson JA, Roscioli T, Jansen FE, Ranza E, Korff CM, Lehesjoki AE, Courage C, Linnankivi T, Smith DR, Stanley C, Mintz M, McKnight D, Decker A, Tan WH, Tarnopolsky MA, Brady LI, Wolff M, Dondit L, Pedro HF, Parisotto SE, Jones KL, Patel AD, Franz DN, Vanzo R, Marco E, Ranells JD, Di Donato N, Dobyns WB, Laube B, Traynelis SF, Lemke JR.GRIN2B encephalopathy: novel findings on phenotype, variant clustering, functional consequences and treatment aspects. J Med Genet. 2017 Jul;54(7):460-470.
* Hansen KB, Traynelis SF. Glutamate receptors: mechanistic twists and turns. Nat Chem Biol. 2014 Sep.
* Zimmerman SS, Khatri A, Garnier-Amblard EC, Mullasseril P, Kurtkaya NL, Gyoneva S, Hansen KB, Traynelis SF, Liotta DC. Design, synthesis, and structure-activity relationship of a novel series of GluN2C-selective potentiators. J Med Chem. 2014 Mar 27. - Correction
* Hansen KB, Ogden KK, Yuan H, Traynelis SF. Distinct functional and pharmacological properties of Triheteromeric GluN1/GluN2A/GluN2B NMDA receptors. Neuron. 2014 Mar 5.
* Santangelo Freel RM, Ogden KK, Strong KL, Khatri A, Chepiga KM, Jensen HS, Traynelis SF, Liotta DC. Synthesis and Structure Activity Relationship of Tetrahydroisoquinoline-Based Potentiators of GluN2C and GluN2D Containing N-Methyl-d-aspartate Receptors. Mol Pharmacol. 2013 Mar 1. - Correction
* Ogden KK, Traynelis SF. Contribution of the M1 Transmembrane Helix and Pre-M1 Region to Positive Allosteric Modulation and Gating of N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptors. Mol Pharmacol. 2013 Mar 1.
* Dravid SM, Prakash A, Traynelis SF (2008) Activation of recombinant NR1/NR2C NMDA receptors. J Physiol. 586: 4425-4439
-Comment by AJ Plested How 2C a channel that's (almost) not there. J Physiol 586: 4339
Dravid SM, Erreger K, Yuan H, Nicholson K, Le P, Lyuboslavsky P, Almonte A, Murray E, Mosely C, Barber J, French A, Balster R, Murray TF, Traynelis SF (2007) Subunit-specific mechanisms and proton sensitivity of NMDA receptor channel block. J Physiol. 581: 107-128.
-Comment by G Kohr J Physiol 581:107
* Lee CJ, Mannaioni G, Yuan H, Woo DH, Gingrich MB, Traynelis SF (2007) Astrocytic control of synaptic NMDA receptors. J Physiol. 581: 1057-1081.
-Comment by Lee & Haydon Astrocytic glutamate targets NMDA receptors J Physiol 581:887.
* - Comment by D Weiss, Chang Y "Crystallizing our understanding of partial agonists" Nature Neuroscience 6:788
* - Comment by J Johnson "Acid tests of NMDA receptor gating basics" Mol Pharmacol 63:1199
* Banke TG, Traynelis SF (2003) Activation of NR1/NR2B NMDA receptors. Nature Neuroscience 6: 144-152
* Comment by Gibb AJ "NMDA receptor gating-uncovered", Tr Neurosci 27:7
* Chesler M, Traynelis SF (2001) Proton release as a modulator of presynaptic function. Neuron 32: 960-962
* Zheng F, Erreger K, Low C-M, Banke T, Lee CJ, Conn PJ, Traynelis SF (2001) An allosteric interaction between the zinc binding site and the glutamate binding site causes fast desensitization of NR1/NR2A receptors. Nature Neurosci 4: 894-901
* Mannaioni G, Marino MJ, Traynelis SF Conn PJ (2001) mGluR1 and mGluR5 receptors differentially regulate CA1 pyramidal cell function J Neurosci 21: 5925-5934
* Mott DD, Erreger K, Banke TG, Traynelis SF (2001) Open probability of homomeric murine 5-HT3A serotonin receptors depends on subunit occupancy J Physiol 535: 427-443
* Traynelis SF Lipton SA (2001) Is tissue plasminogen activator a threat to neurons? Nature Medicine 7: 17-18
* Banke TG, Greenwood J, Christensen JK, Liljefors T, Traynelis SF, Schousboe A, Pickering DS (2001) Identification of amino acid residues in glutamate receptor 1 responsible for ligand binding and desensitization. J Neurosci 21(9): 3052-3062
* - Comment by MacDonald JF "Phosphorylation targets the functional gating of a glutamate channel" J Physiol 503:469