Software Downloads

Download software including Channelab (registration key required for some features), Channalab models, permeation simulation software (PNP), and DOS-based analysis (NPM).

arrow button  NPM (DOS based analysis program for macroscopic currents) 
button arrow  PNP (Windows based program for ion permeation) 
button arrow  ChanneLabv1 (Windows based program for simulation of ion channel function) 
button arrow  ChanneLab Models and XLS files - updated Sept 2004 (>200 ChanneLab models for ligand gated receptors)

arrow button  EasyOocyte v1 – Aquisition program for two electrode voltage clamp recording from two oocytes that allows automated solution exchange control (Hamilton valve), voltage control, and acquisition using National Instruments boards. Available from Emory Office of Technology Transfer.